Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Psychic Rush

I went to Yushaa's house for Christmas. It was excellent. I love her mom's spaghetti sauce. Stayed the night with Elina, Phoebes, and Jeremy Chua. I think I had too much to eat that night, which is why my stomach rebelled the following morning. But the food was delish! The next day was all downhill from there. I spent the first part watching Michael Buble's concert and Rumour Has It with Yushaa. Then at night, my mom called and asked me to go home. She asked me to stay over. *sigh* So I went over, expecting her to have finished writing her table. So I thought all that was left for me to do was print the bloody thing, afterwhich I could go home and rest. But no...she hadn't even started. I reached there at 10pm. She came home half an hour later, and 4 freaking hours later, at 2:30 in the morning, I was still there. In all that time, I realized the cable for the printer was fried, the printer's ink was dangerously low, and that Microsoft had expired on me. With my temper at an all-time high, I finally decided to wave my hand and pulled a solution out of thin air. It was either that or explode and collapse from sheer exhaustion. I wrote down explicit instructions on how to do the whole technological dance, took a cab home at 3:30 in the morning, told my mom to leave her computer running, and rushed through the whole shebang on MY computer. Then of course, more screw-ups followed. Auntie Gigie couldn't sign in with my account, because of course, Starhub had to have a disruption in their connections. Gritting my teeth, I put her on hold while I explained the situation to my mom. So in the end, at 5am, I e-mailed my cousin Adli with the documents and an explanation. His mom works near my mom's place, you see. So hopefully my aunt has printed them out and handed it to my mom. I really cannot understand why she would want to rush through the whole thing at the last damned minute! She had a whole week to plan this! And she expects me to bring forth magic from my fingertips. *sigh* Alright. I'm going to toodle off to bed now. Thanks Kai, Yushaa, Phoebes for the comfort and support last night. =/
Could this be it?


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