Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Psychic Boredom

I went to Sembawang for the weekend. Had a very bad allergic reaction to one of the cats. So for 2-3 days, my eyes were red and puffy, my face was swollen and my throat was sore. Had a fever on the 2nd day, and Yushaa and Phoebe dropped by! So now they've officially done what no one has done before...they've been to my Sembawang sanctuary! =) I went home that night with Phoebe, but my sore throat/sore eyes plagues me still. Today Dom and Yushaa swung by. Had fun, wrestled with Dom over Yushaa...both figuratively and literally. (Battlenet went crazy, which is why I'm here, bored to death and trying to find something to do.) Oh, yeah. After six years of relative silence on the issue of my homosexuality, my dad finally gave his two cents' worth. We were walking outside some mall, then he saw this group of teens with ciggies in their mouths. Apparently that ticked him off, goodness knows why, and he turned to me and said, "I know you have preferences, but don't ever become like them. Without morals." Translation from dad-language, that means, "I know you're gay, but don't lose your moral values." Score one for perseverance! Of course, I kept my face blank but my heart was singing. He was about to say more, but we were interrupted when my brother whined about his PS2. So yeah. Somehow, I think my dad understands me more than my mum, but I usually only talk to her so I don't quite see that. *muses* Oh. Apparently MUSE is coming to Singapore. Uh. Pardon the many many topic jumps. I think I have extreme ADD. Now I'm sleepy, and the sandman has come for me. *sprinkles fairy dust* Is the sandman a fairy? I don't know. He sure doesn't keep to his schedule! The countdown begins! 5 more days till the 17th! *flutters off to sleep*


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