Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Psychic Attunement

I'm at peace tonight. Being at the reservoir, feeling the gentle breezes swirl through the otherwise still air...it made me realise how very fleeting life's precious moments are. I resolve to treasure these moments, adorn them on my soul like silvery drops of pearls. I felt so attuned to the ageless calm that envelops the place, that all my troubles just seemed to melt away and sink into the ground. We had fun. I love them all. Elina, Yushaa, Phoebe. I just feel connected to everything when I'm there. We munched on some snacks, drank a lot of Pepsi, and I watched the waves. As the bats and nightbirds wheeled around overhead, and rats scurried around in the grass, I felt the anger in my heart give way, and all that rage and unresolved pain was eased. Even if just for a while. It is my place of peace. Like I said, anywhere green and lush, preferably with calm waters and a steady breeze, it just pulls me in. Like some kind of siren call. So yeah. I'm at peace tonight. Had fun with all the ladies! Explored Yushaa's tickle zones, tickled her to death, wrestled with Elina (you read that part correctly. Good God, that woman is strong!) and poked fun at Phoebe. I hope they had fun too...oh, and cute guys? Please stop jogging there! You're terrible distractions! My eyes...my eyes just keep following your paths! Haha. Just kidding. . .we blasted really cheesy music, had a terrible DJ who kept changing the songs like every few seconds, and of course! We do what we always do best! We talked about guys! =D Tomorrow...Kenneth! Don't forget our date! =P Phoebe was so calm and cool (read: blur! and dazed!). She drawled, "Oh, look. A lizard came and took our Twisties." I don't mind lizards all that much, so I didn't really look. We were all on our backs, and then, and THEN I got up to get something, and I saw this HUGE FAT RAT come up and snatch Twisties right out of the pack! Riiight, Phoebe. A lizard. With fur and a bald tail. *waits for screams* I KNOW! I was screaming my head off and yelling like nobody's business. That rat stole our 2 dollar Twisties! *scandalised* I don't know...there was something strange about the waters today. There was like a clear shining path cutting across the reservoir waters. Cool, but intriguingly spooky. I love that place. =) I'm going off to sleep now to plan my weekend of mischief. Me leprechaun+elf! Ok, that's random. Oh, shut up. Haha. Me going to bed now. My corner is calling for me! I'm so glad to have had the chance to enjoy nature's beauty with my friends. =) Guten nacht, bon soir, good night.


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