Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Psychic Anguish

It seems that for every time a man makes progress on his path in life, Fate drops another boulder in his way. I have read Randall Terry's first article on his homosexual son. And today I read the second article. While the first part touched my heart to its very core, BECAUSE he is a father grieving over his son's wrongs, the second part killed any sympathy I have for the grieving father. Jamiel might have sold out his family for money, yes. That was wrong. But many things Randall Terry mentioned in his article is wrong too. Two wrongs don't make a right. He's in pain, yes. But why lash out at others who have no faults? Granted, many people look down upon homosexuality. I accept this. It's a fact of life I cannot change. Some even go out of their way to make life hell for gay people. I have had my share of such people, and mostly, MOSTLY, I try my best to help them realise that this is not a choice. It IS NOT. WHo in their right mind would want to choose such a life? Where everyone sneers at you, where you risk being disconnected from your family, your support system? And there is that ridiculous notion that being gay immediately puts you in the danger zone for AIDS. There is that tasteless joke that gay means Got Aids Yet? It is not just homosexuals who are in danger of AIDS. Straight people who sleep around get it too. Yet we become the scapegoat for the spread of AIDS. I cannot understand why people don't believe that not all gay people sleep around. Is this a common misconception? Randall Terry's article segregates the world into two separate camps. The straights and the gays. Humanity! Throughout history, we have seen how segregation only leads to trouble. Are we going to repeat the same mistakes over and over? First it was colour, race. Then religion. And now are we going to allow sexual orientation to destroy the harmony we have finally achieved? And notice how I said sexual 'orientation'. This is not a choice. I will keep repeating it until the message gets through. I am now 18. Been out for 4 years, since I was 14. And in those 4 years, I have experienced a multitude of emotions, of homophobic people. It's hard for someone in the closet to live a fulfilling life. Think, people, think. If someone trusts you enough to say those 3 words that's hell for them, for God's sake don't push them away! I AM GAY. It seems meaningless to many, but it's a constant burden to those in the closet. The fear of losing so much love, of losing a loving family is of such great magnitude that it can never be described in mere words.. Your actions, your thoughtless words and deeds can and WILL hurt. Randall Terry compares homosexuals to alcholics and drug addicts. Why? Why paint us in such a negative light? We have done no wrong. We don't go out and burn your houses down at night. Self-destructive behaviour? Is that the common view of homosexuality? In what way are we self-destructive? Homophobia and racism have common elements, Mr Terry. They were built on segregation and persecution. WHy allow lines to be drawn and define boundaries between fellow human beings? I have personally seen humanity at its mightiest. When disaster strikes, we band together, regardless of differences. Must it take another disaster to realise we must overcome such differences? Set aside the boundaries you have created to separate mankind from one another, accept each other's flaws and talents. Why continue so doggedly to haunt and shadow other people's lives? Let things stand between a man and his God. I cannot speak of God's views on homosexuality, for obvious reasons. I'm not God. BUt I have faith in Him, and trust that He knows I am this way not by choice. If, and IF, this is wrong, I trust that I will be forgiven by His divine grace. Come, humanity, and think. Do NOT force redemption upon a person, and DON'T restrict anyone's life. We should all have the freedom to think. We are all humans, all gifted with intelligence. And why call us immoral? Many homosexuals (I cannot speak for all) were raised in warm, loving homes, inculcated with all the morals and ethics our parents lived by. We have morals. And it is because we were raised as such that we shall not become a voiceless minority incapable of independent thought! Rules are there to guide us, not restrict us. And there. Randall Terry mentions war. Segregation and discrimination will only lead to this. Will you stand by and allow this to happen? I for one will not. Every day that i live, every breath I breathe, I will fight this. My words cannot change the world. But I hope they can change your mindset. And change the way you look upon homosexuality. Alone, I cannot stop the monsters that are discrimination and ignorance. They go hand in hand. Don't hate or persecute us. If you can't accept us, then don't make life any harder than it already is.


Blogger yiling said...

all right. i noe u are angry but relax can. shoot in so many chim chim words.u noe my eng is lousy!! HAHA.

12:20 AM  

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