Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Psychic Soothing

I've been holed up in my place for days. Went to Sembawang, came back. And now here i am. Gosh, I just saw a video that moved me to tears. It's on youtube. I've been playing the piano, with David Lanz's CD, a weird sort of duet. Made improvisations to my rendition of his Leaves On The Seine. Surprisingly, our two instruments blend quite harmoniously. Other than that, I've been reading a lot. Textbooks naturally, but some other books that caught my attention. Termites got to my bookshelves earlier, so half my collection is gone. *sigh* Nothing is permanent. I feel like the little kid on the beach who always, ALWAYS builds his sandcastle to near to the water's edge. Family wise, the only people I'm still talking to are Azy and Adli. The rest I've shut out. Like everyone else. Though I'm a bit worried at how cold and distant Seif has gotten. Hmm...the new neighbours are annoying. They delight in moving their furniture at all unearthly hours. I could wake up at 3 am needing to go to the toilet, and they're banging away up there. I think they've got a piano up there too. I heard the familiar tinkle of ivories once. IT WAS LIKE 1AM! Gosh. And I thought I was a nightbird. My temper is fraying, and so I have decided once AGAIN to isolate myself. It's not as bad as it sounds. I have David Lanz for company. Heehee. And music really soothes the savage beast. I hope after this one week, I'll be my usual calm self. And that wasn't meant to be sarcastic -_-;; Oh! Mimi and Baby are getting along fabulously. They still quarrel over small stuff, like who gets the bed at night, or when they're both in each other's paths, but still! No more cages to keep them separated!
Yay. Ooh, Mimi's greedy too. The minute she hears a plastic bag rustling, she comes over. It's cuz her favourite kitty treats come in this green plastic. ANd she absolutely adores them. No matter how far away she is, she hears that rustling and she'll come. Haha. My fingers and eyes and butt are tired from playing music all day long. It seems like everyone around me has gone nuts with world cup fever. Even Gina! And Yushaa! Of all people! Next I'm gonna discover Elina in a pink frilly dress. *rolls eyes* 22 grown men, running around on a football pitch? After one little ball? Goodness. Haha...at least Yushaa has a vested interest in football. *a-hem* The Portuguese men. *coughcough* But still...what a weird game. Oh well, to each his (or her) own. Haha. I can't wait for the year to be over. *counts down* WAAAHH!!


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