Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Psychic Ions

I spent the entire day in hibernation. Then at 7, Phoebe came over after church. We met up with Yushaa at NTUC, then went off to the reservoir to soak up negative ions emanating from the place. Apparently, positive ions which come from electrical appliances are bad for you. Negative ones which come from natural sources are good. Go figure. Ugh. In 8 more hours, I will be expected home to collect my package and watch DVDs. I'm sleepy! *amazed* And it's barely 12am! I'm eating cookies and...eew. Ick. The cookies taste like sushi. And that's not a good thing. My mind is friskier than a bunny in a field of carrots. It's like...my body is exhausted, but my mind is running wild and refusing to go to bed. On a serious level, I have taken that first step to mend that broken bridge. Who cares if there's too much water under the bridge? I'll be going OVER it, not under. I must mend this. =) And now I bet Yushaa is rolling her eyes and going, 'Oh, you guy.' Haha. Ok, so I can't fix everything...but I'm gonna try anway. Hmm. Suddenly I have a strong craving for pizza. AHHHH!! Someone give me a mental sedative! I think the ions are clashing. I saw Moo-cow today! That cute kitty! She came trotting over when I clicked my tongue and started playing with me. How cute. It reminds me of the sacrifices made by someone who hated cats once upon a time. *sigh* Destiny keeps pushing us further away. Either way, when the time comes...I pray my heart will not fall to pieces in the face of the one I love.
Gabriel, give me strength to end this completely.


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