Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Psychic Contentment

For once I have missed dawn's arrival, and slept through the awakening of morning. My piano calmed me enough for me to drift off to sleep. Of course, the thread of fire that marks me as an Arian is still present. Rather than remain at home and trigger a firestorm, I left. Met up with Yushaa and we walked under clear skies that were studded with stars. A bat delighted me with its sudden presence when it dropped out of a tree we were walking under and flew off into the night. I love the creatures of the night. They're so free and they learn how to use the darkness to their advantage. Anyway, my bladder asserted itself, and I had to slip into Mickey D's for a bit. Then I caught the last bus back to my place, and after washing up and talking to people online for a bit, the Sandman caught me by surprise. *contented sigh* In my hurry to leave last night, I forgot to bring along the package that was part of the reason I went home. That, and I want my piano, and I am supposed to help my mum clear her memory cards for their trip to East Coast today. Apparently, now they (my family) are hooked on roller blading. So they're going blading at East Coast today. And I am going to stay right here and watch morning unfold. Should I go home again? This shuttling back and forth does not appeal to me. I tried to defend my philosophical views from my mum last night. I do not normally divulge how my mind or heart works to my family; that saying 'once bitten...'? Yeah. But last night I was compelled to, and when my dad started in on the religion lecture, I decided it was time to spread my wings and flit off into the night. My departure probably took him off-guard, since I vanished in the blink of an eye without a word of goodbye. Hmm. A pale orange glow bathes me as the sunlight makes the streams of dust dance. Probably a sign I should start cleaning my room. Heh. I love the scent of hope, fleeting as it is.
  • My piano and me

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