Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Psychic Flicker

Ever had that sensation when you've just woken up and stared at the ceiling, and you fancied that shimmery flickers of light danced at the edges of your vision? Well, my heart is full to bursting with that sensation now. Greatness is at the tips of my fingers...I can't quite grasp it yet, but I know the time will come when it will drift into my grip and solidify. I was asleep the entire day yesterday, and was more than a little surprised when I woke up at 12 midnight. I shrugged it off to my brain needing some rest, and then puttered about the house, reheating food and reading comics/books. Calvin and Hobbes and The Circle Of Magic series by Tamora Pierce. Really fascinating reading material. I wasn't in the mood for Christopher Pike's philosophical insights in The Last Vampire series, though. Besides, I know them all almost by heart already. Now I'm going to watch The Simpsons! I love Homer's dumbness. He's like Peter from Family Guy, except Peter's more intellectually challenged. Ah, today it is back to scales and arpeggios for me at home. *shakes head* I'll be leaving at 8am, and taking along the stack of dusty musical tomes I have not touched since I ended formal piano lessons 4 years ago. It is time to strengthen the roots of my musical foundation, if I am to follow the path of my choosing. Playtime is over, at least where my piano is concerned. But for now...*grins* The Simpsons!! *cue theme song*
Red is my blood, as is my heart.


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