Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Psychic Outage

For once, my powers of deduction and foresight have failed me. I did not see this coming. I, with all my skills at precognition and evaluation, I who prepare myself mentally for every possible outcome, have finally failed to foresee the death of an exquisite relationship. No, that is not entirely true. I think I knew all along. I just blinded myself to truth and remained oblivious to the slow deterioration of a friendship. Although it pains me, I know my inner light remains strong and unwavering for today. Is it true that the greater the man is, the more magnified his mistakes? Yes, I think it is. My 'telepathy', or psychic skills or whatever it is that allows me to read people and gauge their reactions, have failed me. Life is relentless in its quest to strengthen. I had a dream last night...I dreamt I was flying away from a field. But my cousin and relatives were chasing me, and they brought me down. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to decipher the meaning of the dream. There are very few people who share a telepathic bond with me. Perhaps not telepathic per se, but you know...when you speak, the other person completes your sentence. Or you frequently say the exact same thing at the exact same time. Or you just exchange a look, and that is all that is needed. Speech isn't the only form of communication. Until now, there are only three people who share that bond with me. Kelly, Kenneth and Seif. Among the four of us, Seif and I were the ones who were always up to mischief. A glance, a flash of understanding, and we'd proceed to wreak havoc with our practical jokes and pranks. *sigh* Well, now I'm going to go and prepare myself for yet another day of being dragged around smiling at relatives I don't even know. Strangling myself repeatedly seems like a better way to spend the day. *sigh* Oh, psychic muse...have you left me forever?
I miss you, Seipo.


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