Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Psychic News

The clock keeps on ticking. Tick...tock. Tick...tock. And yet, I live my life as though I'm a free spirit, not bound by rules and time. Today I awoke at 10am. Watched Charmed and some cartoons, then went off home. Got re-acquainted with my darling piano, then had a hearty brunch. Meat galore! Yumyum. Then worked my magic on the computer, and voila. A presentation all ready to go. Recorded some songs on Elina's mp3 player, but it doesn't seem to like my computer. Branche-toi? (heheh) Nothing works. Oh, while I was home, I chanced upon some newspapers that magically appeared out of nowhere! *dramatic gasp* Apparently some highly intelligent guy was caught for some credit-card related offence. Tsktsk. His IQ is 160, and he stoops to petty crime. *smacks forehead* Intelligence is a great advantage in today's competitive world, and some people use it in all the wrong ways. And yes, I read an article my aunt pointed out to me. Gay Singaporeans seeking aylum overseas. I used to quote Penal Code 377A all the time, particularly during my secondary three year. I even wrote an article which our English teacher Mr Lawrence asked me to mail to the Straits Times. I thought, and still think that it is a ridiculous law that makes all gay sex illegal. At least add some specifics to it if you want to protect the innocent. Don't outlaw consensual gay sex. But to go as far as seeking asylum overseas...I don't understand that bit. I mean, sure, our society's still pretty conservative. But time has brought change, and I believe we've evolved towards a more open-minded nation. I'm glad that the issue of Penal Code 377A has finally been brought into the spotlight, and I can't deny that I hope it'll be modified, or perhaps taken down altogether. Anyway, the mental clock is ticking. THe pressure is on! Exams are round the corner! Ah, I'll panic once they're over. Haha. Phoebe suggested I look in the papers for ads seeking pianists/keyboardists. I don't mind a bit of writing either. Hmm. I have a lot to turn over in my mind tonight. I shall chill out to the greatest website ever created! www.peekvid.com Check it out, y'all! Fizzle, out!


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