Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Psychic Light

Ah, Life. I love the games you play with the critters scurrying around on this planet. Today started off badly, and ended on a high note, my phone NOT getting repaired notwithstanding. I got compliments for my poetic scribblings, and what I've lost you've replaced. Sometimes, we humans get too caught up with what's on the horizon that we forget what's sitting right under our nose. I have my complete circle once again. And this only strengthens my resolve to live in the light and magnify that light for those lost in the shadows. Is this the power of positive thought? I have my moments of darkness, we all do. But what sets us apart is that we CHOOSE to overcome it. We pour our strength into fighting fate, even when we know it's useless. We dig in the rubble for survivors, because we know there are those who hold on to that precious light within them to fight the odds. I believe this, because I have personally witnessed such feats of inner strength. I marvel, and yet, at the same time, I feel immense sadness. What about those who perished? Those who lost hope and succumbed to the darkness and lost their light? What if someone had told them never, EVER to give up? Would they have fought harder and maybe, just maybe, have survived? I have lost many people I hold dear. And this question will burn in my heart as long as I breathe. As things stand, I know from experience that words may seem small and worthless, but in times of crisis, it may be the only source of hope. Your words can make or break a person. When they're clinging desperately to life, your words may be the thread that binds them to this world, that strengthens their resolve to fight for their lives. I will always regret that I did not make the effort to help the people who were obviously in much pain, be it physical or emotional. Regret that I did not pull out all the stops to save them. They're gone now, and may they rest in peace. =/ But to people I may meet in the future, I hope to always be there for them, to mend a broken heart, to instil peace in a fractured mind, to encourage them to spread their wings and fly. I do not want to lose another person I care about. =/ I shall sally forth into the light, and spread as much warmth as I possibly can! Here's to hope! (My mum calls me an idealist, but I'll prove her wrong!) =D


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