Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Psychic Flight

I feel as though I can join the sun in its celestial dance. Certainly I am more than a match for it in terms of warmth and light. My heart feels so light...I can scarcely believe the abrupt turn my life has taken. My mentor is well and glad to hear from me. We've promised to keep in contact, and I cannot tell you how much this means to me. It appears that my vow to surround myself with inspirational sources has served me well. I can walk the streets as one initiated into the ways of darkness, yet keep a seed of bright spark within me. I want my mentor to see how I've grown. I'm no longer the scared little boy afraid of everything that was foreign to me. I have grown into the man I believe I was meant to be, bold and capable of giving as good as I get. This evolution cannot be described in words, that would be doing it an injustice. Anyway, we sorted through a few things, and he made me promise him that I wouldn't let him down. Not many people will make the connection between who I am, and who I used to be. He is one of the few who actually witnessed the transformation, and that itself has created an immutable bond. But more than that, I feel as though I can actually take on the world. It is always hard for a child full of hopes and dreams and ideals to make the transition into manhood and reality. It's all about balance, really. I can sense the winds turning in my favour, can scent the way change is in the air. Soon it will be time for me to spread my wings, and I do not doubt my ability to take flight. I will be up where I belong. =) Perhaps all roads do lead to Rome after all. I have also come to terms with the fact that it was I who ended the relationship that we were both trapped in. Perhaps it is all for the best. Our paths may cross again in the future, and I hope our respective freedom brings contentment for both of us. I have two extra years to contemplate what kind of man I will be, and I already know what I don't want to be. And that's a start. I'm resuming/starting classes in May, and I hope the sins of my past will not tarnish the clean slate I have now. =)
Thank you for healing my heart.


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