Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Psychic Weightlessness

The heavy burdens have rolled away. I am still coating my walls and ceilings and floors with black layers. But somehow...I've realised...what I want and what I need are two completely different things. It is hard to distinguish between the two sometimes, but...I have everything I need now. I can float in the sunshine again. The castle is wide open to visitors now, although the changes will be rather drastic. I'm going shopping with Phoebe for supplies this weekend. I have been very reticent these past few days, oscillating between unbridled joy, barely leashed fury and dark sorrows. Perhaps it is only human to have these feelings, but as Yushaa so aptly put it, 'You have mood swings EVERYDAY!' Haha. *rolls eyes* Mother Earth has spoken. As another cold and barren winter ends, I prepare myself for the changing of the seasons. I passed by NAFA today. A thought slipped through my mind. 'Can I make it in? Are my skills good enough?' And then I realised...I am a free spirit. I can never be tied down to one place. Maybe drift here and there, but I am weightless, ethereal and I am not meant to live life chained to an expressionless existence. And now I see eyes squinching. Riiight. I feel sparkly tonight, and it's not because of the last remaining bottle of Long Island Tea. Heh. Well, it is up to me which direction my life flows. I create the flow; I shouldn't trust it to create my future. =) Thanks, people who have spread cheer into my life.
Spring has arrived in all its glory. Time to begin yet another story.


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