Psychic Irritation
When the sun is high in the sky, I am very very easily irritated. The slightest thing can set me off. And it seems as though today the world has conspired to drive me round the bend. Everyone's being loud, and not in a musical way. I mean CONCRETE SLABS falling, drilling sounds echoing around my estate, my cursed neighbours moving what sounds like an elephant up there, and motorcycles revving their engines. HELLO? It is SUNDAY! The day of rest, people! I want to SLEEP! The worst part? I wasted a brief storm playing on my keyboard. Inspiration flooded through me, and I sat and played, and now the dark clouds have exhausted themselves and the stupid sun is BLASTING everything to bloody cinders. I might as well be in an industrial-strength oven, it's that hot. *smacks head* It's hot, I'm cranky and sleepy, the entire world seems to have gone mad, and my system is still fighting through last night's toxins. I need a drink, but of course I can't have one because she's at home and the questions will just annoy me further. I WANT A HUGE THUNDERSTORM. Yes I do. Ok, mebbe not a giga-esque one. But a full one. Not some stupid tiny puffcloud masquerading as a thunderhead! It only lasted like what...15 minutes? What kind of storm is that?! *insulted* STOP BANGING AROUND, UP THERE! *curses* I swear they have a whole HERD of elephants up there! I ate last night, but my fluid intake was horribly off. Hence the lightheadedness today, and the irritating thirst, and the general crankiness. Fine. I shall have 1 teensy secret drink, then I shall proceed to rest, NOISE POLLUTION BE DAMNED. *glares at noise-makers* Anyone who disturbs my rest today shall have a new hole ripped for them. I would glare at the sun too, if it would mean not burning holes in my eyes. Stupid world. *slinks away into dark, damp crypt*
If there would be an eclipse for every time I was nice, I'd be an angel.
If there would be an eclipse for every time I was nice, I'd be an angel.
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