Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Psychic Technopath

I am currently running a virus check on my computer, which for some reason keeps restarting every ten minutes. Damn you, adware slash trojan slash whatever else pops up! While I'm blasting these viruses to bits, I can't play my latest game! *sulk* I Of The Dragon. *gush* A really, really cool game! It's like RPG, but you're a mythical DRAGON! Isn't it cool? *gushgush* I've spent hours honing my skills at flying and breathing fire down on those monsters! I was just about to advance to the next level when my computer restarted on me. Damn it. Ooh. Virus scan complete. I have 56 threats on my computer. *deletedeletedelete* Where was I? Oh, yeah. I Of The Dragon. I LOVE THIS GAME! I'm going jogging with Phoebe on Thursday...do I hear sniggering? -_- Hey, I used to be an excellent runner okay! I had speed and stamina! I will regain that! Just need to work on that a bit. =D Tomorrow...school. >.< Gonna get my head lopped off. Elina and Phoebe came over yesterday! We watched The Exorcist, Fight Club, Thirt13en Ghosts, and Satanic! 3/4 of the shows we watched were of the horror genre. Hope we didn't give Phoebes nightmares. Haha. The Exorcist was so cool! Freaky, but cool! Linda Blair is such a talented actress. I'm still not convinced the Devil is such a badass. I mean, he disobeyed God once, and we're all looking down on him? Hey, we do the same practically everyday. *smirks* ANYWAY, now that I've won the virus war, I'm going to play IOTD. Made plans for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Tomorrow will be taken up by school. *grumbles* I have become...*gasp* a gadget freak! I want everything technological! Including that new Creative salesman! *evil laughter* Okok, I'm going to blast monsters with my fiery breath before I get bored and start waxing lyrical about 'How High The Moon'. =P


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