Wanderings Of A Philosophical Wonderer

Gay, philosophical, poetic, dark, light. ME.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Psychic Revival

These past few days have been a time of quiet contemplation for me. My nightmares appear to have receded. And the world continues spinning on its axis. I'm considering going home tomorrow to collect the stuff I left behind. Well, today actually, given that the hour is so late, it's early. Bobby's coming back on the 10th! *squeals* And Kelly is coming back on the 17th! Perhaps it's time to revive the circle of four. Me, Seif, Kenneth and Kelly. Those were the good old days...*wistful* I guess it's safe to say that all of us have changed from the naive teens we once were. I miss us. All of us picking on each other, debating topics that ranged from the people who managed to irk us to intellectual topics like God and religion. Of course we drifted apart, but the threads that once bonded us are everpresent. =) The geographical distance does nothing to diminish the closeness of our hearts, yeah? We're all back together. The silence I've enjoyed so much these past few days appears to have put me and my inner demons at peace. I'm not sure I even remember how to talk! Haha. Tomorrow I'm going back home to repair the other computer and grab some stuff that I left behind the last time I was there. Then I shall be welded to my piano seat until it's time for the dance concert with the lovely darlings. Perhaps with the passage of time...it might be possible to regain what I've lost? I can only hope. =) Here's to the revival of my spirit! And to the possibility of mending broken bridges...
My heart is whole once more.


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